Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Golden Road - Word Painting

Oh, that I could paint a picture of peace and tranquility, it would be here. But instead I will paint with the tools I have. With my pen, imagination, and paper I will weave a story of incredible peace and tranquility and life.

Basking in the warm golden glow of the day, I slowly amble along a road of immense beauty and serenity. I’ve never been here before, but I know I want to live here. In a house tucked in the trees, surrounded by a beautifully wild and vibrant flower garden. A garden that helps we fill every room with the color, beauty and fragrance of nature. In the quiet of the morning I hear the sounds of nature waking up to a new and wonderful day. Blue Jays raucously calling to each other a warning that hawks are about. Squirrels hissing as any creature nears their stores of food. The crunch of oak leaves beneath your feet. And the musty smell of nature doing what comes naturally.

Sometimes, as I stroll down this road I can smell the ocean that is in the not too far distance. The fresh smell of cool moisture stirred into the sky. It calls me with the crash of the waves on the sand. Urging me to feel the cold wetness rushing over my feet and watch the sea birds looking for lunch. I’ll spend hours watching the children chasing the waves in and out, back and forth, wet and dry. Laughing as they build sandcastles, monuments to their youth. Monuments they hope will last forever, but are erased by the incoming waves. Leaving the beach strewn with the feathers used as flags and the driftwood used for the drawbridge, but the laughter continues. The sweet and joyful ring of laughter over the next new experience to come their way, chasing seagulls, digging for sand crabs, playing jump rope with seaweed.

Basking in the warm golden glow of the day, I slowly amble along a road of immense beauty and serenity. I find the cozy little home in my minds eye and stroll the slate stepping stones through my garden. Bending and appreciating each and every flower, it’s shape, color and incredible fragrance. The sound of the Hummingbirds whizzing from flower to flower and the buzzing bees in hasty pursuit of pollen enough for they’re queen. In the dampness of the garden, the small green tree frogs serenade in their low croak. A serenade of distinct beauty, calling the she-frogs from hiding to join in the dance of life and love.

Inside this cozy home the gleaming hardwood floors are covered with rugs in the deep colors of nature, the deep green of ancient trees, the intense blue of the ocean, the deep velvety maroon of a rose in full bloom. The sweet and exotic smell of fresh flowers fills the air, along with the warm comforting sound and smell of a wood fire. The overstuffed couch between the floor to ceiling bookshelves is so inviting, but the rocking chair in front of the fire has the loudest plea for attendance. The most vocal of your pet felines calls to you in his scratchy catcall, sounding like a disc jockey spinning discs, is filling its seat. So I sit there with the cat in my lap and become mesmerized by the sounds around me, the cat purring, the wood of the rocking chair creaking, the snap and hiss of the fire.

Oh, that I could paint a picture of peace and tranquility…

Can you hear the beauty of it all? Someday I may only have memories of these beautiful sounds of nature. Will these short paragraphs bring it all back to me?