Wednesday, September 18, 2013



Yes, I admit it...I'm a hoarder, a book hoarder. 

If I walked down the street and saw a book on the sidewalk, I'd pick it up.  Books constantly leave my apartment, but they also constantly come into my apartment, as well.  Working in a book shop, book hoarding is a constant issue.

I donated 103 books recently and it's barely noticeable in my apartment.  I tried using the the theory, one in - one out. That worked for about 5 minutes.

I even have people giving me books!  Do they think I don't have enough?  And it's not just books containing words...I'm a sucker for pretty blank books/journals as well.

I even go to used book shops and look at books.  Admittedly, I'm always on the lookout for a beautiful edition of a book I love.  Or a beautifully illustrated children's book.   If I ever see a copy of Birthday Moon by Lois Duncan, I will always snatch it up.  It's a beautiful present for young and old alike.  Wow, just saw how  much a first edition costs... and I just gave one away, damn.

I will be selling some soon...1st editions I bought and saved for just this purpose, Mr. New Orleans, Big Fish, Lemony Snicket, etc.  Hoping to find someone with a book hoarding obsession like mine...that will pay good money for first editions of some great books.

But in the meantime, I keep bringing them in and taking them out out the book storage unit that is my apartment.  If you need something to read...let me know.