Thursday, September 13, 2012

Miss Manners and the Missing Manners

Sunday I was aggravated...common courtesy and manners have flown out the window with people recently. Rudeness assaults you at every turn.
Don't let me get started about the group of people (who've had noise issues in their apartments) who partied 24 hours a day for 3 days outside my apartment during Hurricane Isaac. Who then told me, I was rude when I asked them if they could please take the party to their apartment (as it was after 10PM) so I could get some sleep.

Sunday morning, someone who borrowed something from me, pounded on my door before 9AM. Then while standing less than ten inches from my door, lit a cigarette (I do not smoke and NEVER have). I could barely open the door.  She never spoke or looked at me, but flung the borrowed item sideways to me, then walked away. I was so astonished I said, “Thank you.” Which was ridiculous, since she borrowed it from me.

Shortly thereafter, my neighbor had her music turned up so loud I could barely concentrate on what I was typing? I have no idea how she could be in her apartment with it so loud, I wanted to flee mine.

Daily, people come into the book shop and do business while on their cell phones. Sorry people, but nobody is that important. That you should be so rude as to totally ignore the person who is helping you, speaks volumes on your character, and makes me know that I do not want you in my personal life.

Oh, and they walk around the book shop and the atrium outside the shop carrying on their conversation so loudly, that I know they're getting a divorce and what the *sshole spouse is trying to do to screw them or the fact that they're meeting someone at the Starbuck's on Harrison Avenue at noon. Seriously people, take your conversation to your car or home...we don't need or care to hear it.


And I was never taught that shouting "Travel" or "Bestsellers" or any single word is sufficient when asking for something? In the real world, "Could you please tell me where the travel section is located?", would be a question that might be asked.

For those of you who text and answer your phone while you're having dinner, lunch, drinks or just visiting with a friend, your manners are lacking as well. (Unless it's a medical or child/sibling/parent related emergency...your phone should not even be visible.) Be where you are at, while you are there.

Say please, and thank you. Smile and treat people they way you wish to be treated. Revisit your childhood and use the manners you where taught as a child. And if you were never taught any manners, shame on your parents. But it's never to late to learn, please.

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