Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Stove is on Fire...Let Me Run Next Door and See What I Should Do

I found out recently that few people know what to do in the event of a stove fire.  Even if your fire extinguisher is less than two feet away in a cupboard.  So here an I am letting y'all know what to do.

Here are some major don'ts:
  • Never walk away from your stove if you are cooking on the cook-top.
  • Never use water on a stove top fire.
  • Never use flour on a stove top fire (it can explode).
  • Never freak out and run next door when your stove is on fire to find out what you're supposed to do.
  • Always stay calm.
  • Always have plenty of baking soda close at hand.
  • Always have a fire extinguisher close at hand.
  • Always have homeowner/rental insurance.

How to put out a stove-top fire:
  • If you have a lid for the pot and you can put it on without burning yourself, do so.  Then turn off the burner.
  • If you cannot safely put the lid on the pot...pour baking soda on the fire.
  • If you do not have baking soda, use a fire extinguisher.  
  • If you don't have either baking soda or a fire extinguisher, BUY THEM.

How to put out an oven fire:
  • Turn off the oven.
  • Do Not open the oven door (oxygen feeds fire) until fire is out.
How to put out an microwave oven fire:
  • Turn off the microwave oven (this turns the fan off and stops feeding oxygen to the flames).
  • Do Not open the microwave oven door until fire is out.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Amy. Now please teach me what to do if someone needs to be resusitated.
