Sunday, July 20, 2014

Is it Me or is it Hissy?

Hissy and Maurie
Recently, Hissy my feline gray ball of fur has been getting louder and louder.  It's a constant LOUD nightmare.  I have tried everything to discourage this behavior, as being hearing impaired myself - I am very sensitive to loud noise. 

Randomly, while at work I looked at the flyer for the Cat Daddy's new book and one of the things listed was that a cats hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.  I found myself saying aloud,  "If that's true, how can Hissy stand to be around himself he's soo loud."  

At that very moment a light bulb should have popped on above my head.  I actually replied to myself..."Oh my god, Hissy can't hear himself.  He's deaf."

So when I arrived home that evening, I did a hearing test with my 16-year-old furkid.  He was laying on the bed and I put my hand behind his head and snapped my fingers...he did not move, nor did his ears.  My immediate thought was, oh no he'll never hear music again.  Oh that's right...that's my personal hearing fear.  Though Hissy does like when I sing to him, I make up songs with his name in them.  Nothing anyone else would want to hear.


Now, when I'm home, he wants me to sit on couch with him constantly and do nothing else.   Or else he MEOWs  constantly at the top of his lungs.  Makes it quite difficult to clean the apartment.  No quite difficult is absolutely makes it impossible.

He knows "No" in sign language...but I need to make sure he's looking at me when I sign and sadly this often stops that loud voice of his, for half a second.

He is otherwise quite normal, eats, drinks, sleeps, uses the litter box - but he is 16-years-old and I suppose it's age.  I'm going to try an ear plug to clean the apartment ( I only need one, only one ear works).


His brother (yes, really), Maurie, has recently decided he'll live under the bed.  This was after months of scratching himself obsessively until he bleeds (no fleas or disease, just OCD).  He'll answer me if I call him, but he will not come out (except to eat, drink, use the litter box).

So I am living with two curmudgeonly old men who may drive me insane, as I live on pins and needles daily because of their age.

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